A diplomat who travelled directly from Sydney to Canberra after returning from overseas travel has returned a positive test for COVID-19. The man, in his 50s, returned to Australia on April 25. He flew into Sydney International Airport and travelled to Canberra by private vehicle on the same day


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The 53 year old diplomat had been in close contact with Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto who tested positive for Covid-19 during a visit to Bangkok. A North Korean diplomat reiterated Pyongyang’s stance that it would end its moratorium on nuclear tests if the U.S. does not lift sanctions and abandon what the DPRK calls its “hostile policy,” a report in Reuters said on Tuesday. Speaking at the UN’s Conference on Disarmament, the diplomat — Ju Yong Chol, a … 2021-04-23 2020-02-09 Diplomat is a person who has skill in dealing with other people; a diplomat represents his or her country's government in a foreign country.

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