Death Penalty News (DPN) opposes the death penalty in all cases without exception, regardless of who is accused, the nature or circumstances of the crime, guilt or innocence or method of execution. DPN holds that the death penalty breaches human rights, in particular the right to life and the right to live free from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.


The death penalty is denying the right to repent." Death in Minsk It's thought that more than 400 people have been executed since Belarus became independent in 1991, though numbers have dwindled

Amnesty International March 2009. 1 Jul 2013 Execution by shooting remains the form of death penalty execution in Belarus. Most of the executed are criminals that committed crimes with  25 Dec 2019 Dec 25 (Interfax) - Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has said he has no right to declare a death penalty moratorium in Belarus  25 Mar 2009 Oleg Alkaev, former head of Belarus's death row Colonel Oleg Alkaev, who was Director of remand prison (SIZO)6 No. 1 in Minsk and ordered a  10 Jan 2020 The EU and various international organisations have urged Belarus to stop using the death penalty. They were found guilty of stabbing their  13 Oct 2009 Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko let the deadline pass Tuesday for appeals against Yusepchuk's death sentence despite pleas both  Mitro Repo (S&D).

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In Europe, capital punishment has been abolished country by country, and today it is nearly a death penalty-free area. Since 1999, there have been no executions in the Council of Europe region (which comprises 47 Belarus Retains Death Penalty, Promotes UN Reform – Belarus Foreign Policy Digest. Igar Gubarevich. 17 March 2016. In the first half of March, the EU’s top human rights official came to Minsk to talk President Alexander Lukashenka into introducing a temporary moratorium on the death penalty. Belarus is the only country in Europe where the capital punishment is applied. In 1996, the issue of death penalty abolition was put in Belarus to a national referendum, and almost 80.5 percent of its participants voted for its preservation.

22 okt. 2016 — Klla: Singapore Anti-Death Penalty Campaign. Antagligen har cirka 400 mnniskor avrttats i Belarus sedan landet blev sjlvstndigt 1991.

In Belarus, criminals are executed for the most heinous and brutal crimes. Since 2007, there were less than five death sentences per year. Belarus And The Death Penalty November 30, 2011 15:54 GMT Share . Print.

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Belarus death penalty

2018-08-22 Man in Belarus was sentenced to death penalty for aggravated murder by Mahilioŭ Regional Court on 9 January.

2018 — Earlier this month, Hamid Haydara was sentenced to death by the Specialized Criminal Court in Sana'a Stand with Belarus · News. Death penalty 2020: Middle East and North Africa dominates list of world's top executioners. Assembly to declare a moratorium on the implementation of the death penalty There is cause for taking a gloomy view of developments in Belarus, but let us​  Hands off Cain: abolish the death penalty, stop capital punishment, sign up the worldwide moratorium on executions at the upcoming UN General Assembly. Calls on the Government of Belarus immediately to establish a moratorium on all death sentences and executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty (as  CCPR-OP2-DP - Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights aiming to the abolition of the death penalty. Second  where 95 countries still carry out the death penalty.Minsk 2011 (A Reply to Kathy Acker): Devised and written by Belarus Free Theatre Dramaturgy by Vladimir  3 juni 2016 — 2 - Fines - A Source of Income for the Belarusian Authorities. 3 - Death Penalty in Belarus since 2014. 4 - 100 Days Freedom of Assembly.
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Belarus death penalty

Man in Belarus was sentenced to death penalty for aggravated murder by Mahilioŭ Regional Court on 9 January. This is the first death sentence passed by the Belarusian court in 2019. 36 y.o. Aliaksandr Asipovich, a native of Babrujsk, was convicted of killing two women at his house back in July 2018.

Despite the commitments as a member of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to "provide the public with information regarding the use of the death penalty", all information on passed and enforced sentences remains classified. Death Penalty News (DPN) opposes the death penalty in all cases without exception, regardless of who is accused, the nature or circumstances of the crime, guilt or innocence or method of execution.
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The EU and various international organisations have urged Belarus to stop using the death penalty. 3. They were found guilty of stabbing their teacher to death and then setting her house ablaze

End the Death Penalty in Belarus.