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Our portfolio of Power Platform solutions and implementations speaks to our knowledge of the platform's vast capabilities. The Aerie team goes through a 

Business coach/advisor to small through medium sized companies. Areas of expertise are general business practices, performance FA Consulting Väst AB - Org.nummer: 5563663698.

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Vast consulting

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VAST Consultants is an independent consultant and provides consultancy services in the transportation sector, particularly in the fields of Main Line and Mass Transit Systems. Our Key Staff has been involved in nearly 50 successfully executed international projects and has worked with the world’s best rail operators including DB International GmbH and major supply industries such as Siemens

Industrias: Aeroespacial, Automotriz VAST Resource Solutions Inc. provides a diverse array of natural resource consulting and engineering services to private and public sector clients throughout BC and western Canada. As an industry leader, we understand the need for comprehensive and integrated solutions that result in practical and scientifically defensible project outcomes.