Redsense Medical - Health Care - Analysguiden. Redsense Medical är specialiserade inom utvecklingen av blodläckagealarm. Bolagets produkt fungerar som en sensor baserad på fiberteknik som snabbare skall upptäcka blodförlust, samt larma och rapportera till olika larmenheter. Utöver huvudverksamheten erbjuds träning och utbildning inom


Redsense Medical’s affordable and easy-to-use hemorrhage safeguard protects kidney patients all around the world from venous needle dislodgement, a potentially fatal complication of hemodialysis The company is in the midst of a fast-paced technology development effort to adapt its fibre-optic plat

Klicka här för att se aktiekursen och köpa till marknadens lägsta courtage. Senaste nyheter om - Redsense Medical, aktieanalys, kursutveckling och rapporter. Redsense Medical komplett bolagsfakta & börsnyheter från Analysguiden. Prenumerera här. 2021-04-16 · Daniel started a project with the goal of developing the first monitoring system for venous needle dislodgement during hemodialysis.

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It has developed a monitoring system that can detect the first sign of a blood leak using patented fiber optic technology. The products of the company include Alarm Unit, Venous Needle Patch, Catheter Patch, Redsense will present ongoing project updates during the coming months as substantial progress is expected. Based on this outlook, the smart wound care technology has the potential to build substantial value for Redsense Medical´s shareholders. Strong outlook for the wound care market Redsense Medical announces today that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has issued a N otice of A llowance for patent application 1 6 / 333, 571, “A device for monitoring hose connectors and body fluid leakage”. “This is a natural extension of our technology, which will broaden the monitoring capabilities of the Redsense Alarm and enhance patient safety even further. Redsense Medical: Flagging notification Fri, Apr 16, 2021 15:01 CET. Redsense Medical AB ("Redsense" or the "Company") has become aware that one of the Company's shareholders, Discover Capital GmbH (registered in the Company's share register as Axxion S.A), has acquired 250,000 shares in Redsense and thus reached above the level of 5 percent of the total number of registered shares and votes Redsense received an order for Redsense Alarms from a new U.S. customer, the CHRISTUS St. Michael Health System.

Redsense Medical in brief. Redsense Medical is a corporate group with operations mainly in Europe and the United States. The company has developed the Redsense System, an innovation used for monitoring and alarm in the case of blood leakage in connection with a hemodialysis treatment.

Aktieanalys Redsense Medical som tillhör Hälsovård sektorn är en Medium risk aktie. Redsense Medical aktien handlas idag ovanför bull case. Riktkursen för ett optimistiskt scenario ligger vid 38,3323 kr. Bio-works Technologies ..

Bioservo Technologies AB på First North gör en nyemission på 64,3 Mkr. från BioStock » BioStock Studio: Redsense Medicals resa har inletts » Ziccum kan bli 

Redsense technologies

Nyckeltalshistorik för Redsense Medical. 10 års historiska nyckeltal och branschjämförelse. Aktiekurs till Excel.

529 likes. Redsense Medical has developed the Redsense System, an innovation used for monitoring blood leakage during hemodialysis Teknisk analys Redsense Medical (REDS).
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Redsense technologies

TB1-1 AC Input (HI). TB1-2 AC Input (LO ). TB1-3 N/O Summary Alarm Relay.

Redsense Medical komplett bolagsfakta & börsnyheter från Analysguiden. Redi-Tag Corporation; Rediform; Redmed Company Inc. Redsense Medical Inc; Reese Pharmaceutical Co; Rehab Pro Pulleys; Rehau; Reichert, Inc. Reickens Redsense Medicals försäljning i Q4'20 på ca 2 mkr var i nivå med Q3'20. Redsense Medical har, med en likviditet på 65 mkr och en stabil ägarbas, goda  The product, Redsense®, relies on an optical sensor (infrared light) with a sensitivity of 1 ml of blood. However, it is not sensitive to clear but conductive liquids.
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Bioservo Technologies AB på First North gör en nyemission på 64,3 Mkr. från BioStock » BioStock Studio: Redsense Medicals resa har inletts » Ziccum kan bli 

Redsense Technologies . Our Mission is to provide Quality services in the arena of Industrial Automation. We assist our clients to lean their processes through advanced technological platforms and hence achieve greater Return on Investment (ROI) on Labor, Material and Investment.